Tuesday, 17 January 2012

El Calafate - January 12th

Today we leave Chile and go back to Argentina.  Like the last time I left Chile back in 2008 I still feel there is more to see there, but it’s unlikely our schedule will see us back there on this trip.  The journey today to El Calafate is a 5 hour trip, so we have some food to eat on the trip, including grapes.  We assumed we had a couple of hours to the border post near the Torres del Paine park, but unbeknown to us this bus goes through a border post that is very close to Puerto Natales, so we have to eat our grapes quite quickly to get rid of them before the border.  Of course when we get there this time they do not bother looking for contraband fruit so we could easily have got through.

The rest of the trip is uneventful, and the view from the road is pretty boring, flat and quite brown.  Except for one viewing point just outside El Calafate which the bus stopped at.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen a public bus stop for photos before.

When we arrive in El Calafate we head straight for our hostel, which is a very nice one just off the main street.  The woman running it used to be a tour guide so we get a lot of information about the area and start planning our stay here.  Unfortunately the fire in Torres has meant a lot more people are staying here, and tours and transport options are harder to work out.  Eventually we work out a travel plan which suits us, and only requires us to stay one more night than we had planned to stay in El Calafate so it’s not too bad.

After this all we really had time for is a quick look around town, which is basically a single main street and a few roads leading off it, and then we went back to the hostel for dinner.  The husband of the lady running it is a former chef, and cooks for guests if they order before 5pm.  So we ordered and we were not disappointed, the portions of the food he gave us were massive and it was all very tasty.  We were late to dinner though, as we fell asleep while waiting, the stress of travel and arranging it proving a bit too much.

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