After a bus journey which has a slightly baffling route (and therefore takes 3 hours to do about 120km) we get dropped in the town of Pan De Azucar, which is Spanish for SugarLoaf. This town is overlooked by a SugarLoaf like mountain, hence the name. This ‘mountain’ is Uruguay’s third highest point, at 423m! This is one of the flattest countries in the world. The drop here is so we can pick up a local bus and get it the last 8km to the coast, which we do with some ease. We only had a minute to wait which was good because the heat inland was unbearable.
After that we are back to our usual beach resort pattern, eat, beach, shower, eat, sleep. The beach in Piriapolis itself is not great, and is quite crowded. This is a much bigger resort than the other two we have been to, although smaller than the more famous Punta Del Este which we have skipped because on MTV it looks like Benidorm. This is more of a family resort, founded in 1930 by the building of a large hotel by an Argentine, Francisco Piria, hence the name. We move slightly upstream to Playa Grande, on the basis that it is bigger and might be emptier, which it is. So that is where we spend the day. Our evening search for a restaurant, the top one in town, is interesting in that nobody seems to know where Café Picasso is, so we end up in an average pizza place. But the ice cream in this town is good.
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