Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Porto Seguro Salvador Bus - April 1st

Our last day in Trancoso begins in a similar way to the others, with a trip to the beach, sitting under umbrellas, and the odd swim.  Although we are leaving today, as with our last bus journey we are travelling overnight, so we have a half day here.  And the hotel owner has been kind enough to allow us use the shower after we have checked out, so we can go to the beach.

Once we come back and shower, we pay a visit to our favourite per kilo restaurant next door, so we can eat a large meal prior to our long journey, and then we depart.  Our hostess organised a taxi to take us to the bus station in Porto Seguro, the nearest big town, which is about 30km and a ferry ride away.  The journey is interesting because the taxi driver has a different interpretation of the lines in the middle of the road when it comes to overtaking (my heart was in my mouth on a few blind turns).  When we get to the ferry he dumps us out and puts us in a local bus van to take us the rest of the way.  It didn’t delay us, but it was annoying because he got paid the full amount for a taxi journey (our revenge is that we have ratted him out to the hotel owner so he won’t get any more runs in future).

Porto Seguro is point where the Portuguese first landed in Brazil, but we don’t  have time to look around.  We just collect our ticket and wait for the bus, watching some Brazilian dating program in the waiting area.  The bus leaves fairly punctually and for the first time we get films on a bus in Brazil (Hancock with Will Smith, and some weird art house American film with Colin Firth that I still don’t really know what point it was trying to make), and we don’t get any catering stops (or any food).

So once the two films are over all we can do is try to sleep so that we have our wits about us at Salvador bus station tomorrow morning.  But this is easier said than done, because the seats for some reason are quite slippery and I can’t lie on them without sliding off.

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